Faberge Diamond Jubilee Egg worth $157,850 to be one of the most expensive eggs ever sold

The United Kingdom will be the centre of the world’s attention yet again, simply because of the events taking place there within 2012. Other than the London Olympics, what makes this year significant this year is, Queen’s Elizabeth’s 60 years at the throne. To mark this occasion, and also the long standing custom of the Easter egg hunt, Faberge has created a 500 gram rose gold egg, studded with 60 gemstones to announce the yearly egg-hunt contest. The Gemstones included specially crafted diamonds, rubies, emeralds, and sapphires. This particular egg however, stands as the ultimate winners’ prize, which one needs to arrive at after finding the other 200 unique eggs, planted in the city in city of London. Each of these other eggs contain and unique code each, which need to be sent through to Faberge via sms. The more the entries from a single number, the more the chances of winning this diamond jubilee egg.

However, there is a charitable angle to this piece of unique jewelry. The proceeds which accumulate by the mobile service carriers’ charges will then be donated for noble causes. ‘Acton of Children’ and ‘The Elephant’ are the 2 originations which will benefit from the charity egg hunt. Also, the media highlight included Acctress Amelia Fox unveiling the egg to the world. Seems like this is going to be one ‘royal’ egg chase this Easter.
