Artist integrates guitar into glass table

We have earlier told you about the furniture inspired from racing cars, including the coffee table made from original crashed Ferrari parts. Along the same lines of designer Charly Molinelli of Crashed Ferrari table fame, is Chris Chappell’s glass and steel coffee table, integrated with a keef smashed electric guitar. The artist, Chris was always interested in integrating his sculptures into more challenging and functional roles, and he even learned ‘Arc weld’ to specifically create this rocking coffee table for music lovers. Like the automotive artwork, the guitar sculpture is a perfect means to reflect your musical inclinations even if you actually can't play a guitar. According to Chris Chappell, it was quite challenging for to create the right looking sculpture with all the new materials. He wanted to give an illusion that a shattered guitar is floating in mid-air below the glass, and apparently, he became successful. At present, this coffee table piece is Chappell’s personal, and for future sales, it will come equipped with a virgin glass top, and that too at no extra cost. With a heavy price tag of $4000 and weight of 60 lbs, the table dimensions are 25” x 35” X 20”, and is only available for viewing in the area of New York City. As Chris believes, one can do pretty crazy and innovative things with metal, so he’s also looking forward to come back with some more interesting sculptures to rock on.
